A beautiful 7-petal flower which is the logo for the Android puzzle game, Sky Signs

Sky Signs,
Android Puzzle Game

There are a lot of Android puzzle games out there for different types of players. Some of the very best games are titles like Monument Valley and The Witness. Sky Signs aspires to capture the same sense of calm and meditative puzzle solving that both of these games create.

What is Sky Signs?

In Sky Signs, you assemble the pieces of a machine. When the machine is correctly assembled, it will draw a symbol in the night sky.

While that might sound simple, it can be delightfully challenging. Sky Signs is deeply satisfying game which rewards you for tinkering.

A Sky Signs puzzle game level about to be completed

How to play

In each level, you will be given the parts of a machine one by one. The pieces snap together to create a complete machine.

When you have completed the machine with all the parts in the correct positions, the machine will come to life and draw a powerful symbol in the sky.

When all of the parts of the machine have been placed, a timer begins. When the machine is correctly assembled, the sky painting will show the final symbol and all 3 stars will be collected.

If the machine isn't correctly assembled, you won't be able to collect all 3 stars.

The game is broken into Chapters, each of which contains 12 level.

For the initial release of the game, there are just 12 chapters.

Does it work offline?

Yes! All of our levels are playable offline. Once you download the app from your app store of choice, you'll be able to play every level you have downloaded whether you're offline or online.

Is the game free?

Yes! The core Sky Signs game is completely free and always will be.

We have plans to expand the game to include additional levels and expansion packs, but for now the whole game is 100% free.

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